The best evidence of the unique quality and reliability of the
Expert Cypres 2 is the fact that this AAD has become an indispensable part of any qualified skydiver around the world. The
Expert Cypres 2 provides you the potentially needed emergency operation in practically any possible scenario.
January 1991 marks the month Airtec Gmbh Co KG opened it's doors and started selling the CYbernetic Parachute RElease System. Airtec did it! They built an AAD to be proud of!
Water-resistant up to 15 minutes at a depth of 15 feet ( 5 meters) in fresh and salt water.
Power supply is maintenance free for the user. No need to observe a battery replacement date, record the number of jumps made, monitor the voltage during the self-test, purchase a battery or have a rigger open or repack the reserve for this reason. No one has to pay attention to the power supply.
Unit serial number accessible from the display.
Next maintenance due date accessible from the display.
Reminds you when the maintenance due date becomes closer.
Small and light.
Robust, rigger friendly case, rounded corners and edges.
Wide maintenance window. +/- 6 months after 5 and 10 years from month of manufacture, no down-time, during the busy part of the year regardless of the month of manufacture. For units since January 1st 2017 - service life 15.5 years
Optimized Parameters:
Self-test is completed in 10 seconds.
Changing altitude reference - same procedure but quicker to do.
Proven Features:
Activation altitudes.
Activation velocities.
Altitude reference adjustment.
Always actual ground level by automatic compensation of weather related air pressure changes.
User interface (Single push button).
Loop cutting system.
Cypres closing loop system.
14 hours run time.
factory integrated set-up in the rig
After purchase, put it in your Cypres-ready container and forget about it for 4 years*.
Then have the maintenance done and forget about it for another 4 years*.
Then have the maintenance done again and forget about it for another 4 years*.
*Except for switching it on at the beginning of the day,and changing the filter after a landing in water.
Installation - All new rigs are Cypres ready.
Since 1994, all major parachute rig manufacturers around the world have incorporated the spandex pouch which accommodates the Expert Cypres 2 unit, the plastic pocket for the control unit, and the channels for the unit cables as a standard. These integrated installations are a co-design between the rig manufacturers and Airtec, and are tested and approved by both.
Handling - Set it and forget it!
The use of the Expert Cypres 2 does not restrict skydiving in any way. The handling of the Expert Cypres 2 is extremely simple. It requires only one switch on procedure per day done prior to the first jump of the day. Only if you have left the dropzone, should you repeat the procedure before the next jump. That's it! No switch-off is necessary at the end of the day.
Changes in air pressure caused by the weather are taken care of automatically. If you want to jump into a DZ of another elevation, you can easily program this into the Expert Cypres 2 unit. Simply hold the button during the switch-on procedure until you see the required altitude difference on the display.
You do not see, hear, or feel this equipment, and it will not affect you unless you are extremely close to the ground and still in freefall. Only then it comes into play, cutting your reserve container closing loop, allowing your reserve to deploy. That is its only task. This little job, though, has saved thousands of skydiver's lives - skydivers of all experience levels.
Maintenance / Lifetime / Reliability -Yes!
Airtec provides unsurpassed quality and grants a two year warranty required by law, And further 3 years, during which all repairs and replacements are free of Charge, unless resulting from intentional or negligent damages.
For units with Date of Manufacture DOM 12/15 and earlier the maintenance is mandatory to be performed 4 and 8 years after the original DOM.
For units made in 2016 the maintenance is recommended to be performed 4 and 8 years after original DOM.
For units with DOM 01/17 and later the maintenance is recommended to be performed 5 and 10 years after the original DOM.*** (*** According to the present knowledge base).
Remember - Expert Cypres 2 is strictly a backup device and is not intended to replace proper training or timely execution of appropriate emergency procedures.
Expert Cypres 2 - 1 Pin
Whatever you can think of under the canopy, like stalls, spiral turns, down planes, hookturns with the smallest canopies, as well as any CRW, Expert Cypres 2 won't interfere with any activities while skydiving. It activates when it detects a rate of descent higher than 78mph (35m/sec) at an altitude of approximately 750ft above ground level (AGL). (Typical freefall speed in a box position is approximately 111 miles per hour).